Recommended Content for Teaching
I’ve taught more than 5800 individuals through various formats, from brief presentations to year-long courses, in both Spanish and English, inside and outside of academia, and online and offline. I’ve trained teachers and spokespersons across 13 countries. In this section, I will provide content recommendations to enhance teaching skills for those eager to improve by standing on the shoulders of giants—not me, but those who created the content and inspired me to share it with you all.
Books to Ignite the Teacher’s Mind
1. The Demon-Haunted World (1995) — Carl Sagan
- This book is a passionate plea for scientific literacy, presented through the lens of critical and skeptical thinking. The brilliant Carl Sagan discusses the scientific method and provides tools for recognizing and understanding pseudoscience.
- How it helps for Teaching: It equips educators with the ability to foster critical thinking and skepticism in students, encouraging them to question the world around them and distinguish between evidence-based conclusions and myths.
2. Think Again (2021) — Adam Grant
- Adam Grant explores the importance of rethinking and unlearning in a world that’s constantly changing. He presents strategies for remaining flexible, open to new ideas, and willing to question old assumptions. The most important skill? Being able to change the way you think.
- How it helps for Teaching: This book is invaluable for teachers, as it encourages the cultivation of a learning environment where both students and educators regularly reassess their knowledge and beliefs, fostering a culture of continuous learning and reflection on ignorance and knowledge.
3. Rapport: The Four Ways to Read People (2020) — Emily and Laurence Alison
- This book, delves into the science of reading people and building deep, effective connections. From studies and expiernce with interviews and interrogations, practical verbal recommendations are suggested for effective communication. The focus is on observing verbal and non-verbal cues, enhancing emotional empathy, and applying these insights in real-world situations.
- How it helps for Teaching: For educators, mastering the techniques presented in Rapport can lead to more nuanced and sensitive interactions with students, fostering a supportive and responsive classroom atmosphere. This understanding helps teachers adapt communication to better align with the emotional and intellectual needs of their students, thus improving educational outcomes and student engagement.
4. Co-Intelligence: Living and Working with AI (2024) — Ethan Mollick
- This insightful book by Ethan Mollick delves into the evolving relationship between humans and artificial intelligence in modern workplaces and societies. Mollick explores the synergistic potentials that emerge when human creativity and emotional intelligence are combined with AI’s computational power. The book provides a thoughtful analysis of how these relationships can be optimized to enhance both personal and professional environments.
- How it helps for Teaching: Co-Intelligence offers a comprehensive guide to integrating AI tools into the classroom in ways that complement and enhance human teaching methods. It encourages the use of AI for personalized learning, automating administrative tasks to free up more time for engagement. This book equips teachers with the knowledge to prepare students for a future where AI will be a fundamental part of life and work, fostering a classroom environment that mirrors the interdisciplinary nature of the modern world.
5. Creative Blindness (And How To Cure It): Real-life stories of remarkable creative vision (2019) — Dave Trott
- Dave Trott highlights the idea that creativity often involves seeing things differently from others and that being blind to traditional norms can lead to innovation. The book contains stories demonstrating how people miss obvious solutions because of conventional thinking.
- How it helps for Teaching: This book, with brief and smart-witty historical real life anecdotes, helps teachers understand the importance of creativity in problem-solving and encourages them to foster an environment where students are taught to think differently and challenge norms, which is essential for innovation, creativity and critical thinking.